Compiled by Chad Basham
Our Review
Even though The House On Mango Street is liked by many people we have a different opinion. We find that by the way Sandra Cisneros wrote this book which is in vignettes, is very confusing. This is the biggest problem we found. Each chapter which is a vignette, is very hard to link to another. We believe that we didnt enjoy this book that much because it was so confusing. But we do respect Sandra Cisneros for her creative writing.Another problem that we found is that the book is unable to come to a climax. With no climax the book seems to be very dull and not as interesting as it would be if there were climax full of action and adventure. This also leaves the reader clueless about what will happen later in life whit the characters and their lives.
Linking to the problem of having no climax is the problem of having a bad ending. We feel that the ending came to fast. This ending never showed anything toward what will happen later in Esperanzas life which bothers us and other people because you know they are curious to know what Esperanza will achieve in life and see if she overcomes her past.
Overall we basically just didnt really like the book. That is only our opinion and we are sure others feel differently. We do think that some of the ideas were good and we feel that this book would be better if it was easier to read and not so confusing, if there was a climax , and if the ending had more detail and was longer so the book could be understood better. Remember these are our opinions and they are not meant to hurt or bother anyone.
Chad Basham Mike Piston Kyle Sickles
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Last updated: Sunday, March 18, 2001
©1998 - Hill, Lara and her English 1 Honors Class